ICV:Single Photon Detector Market Research Report

This report analyzes the market for Single Photon DetectorSPD, including various aspects such as product positioning, downstream applications, key suppliers, market situation, and future trends, etc., to analyze and forecast. 

The following methodology was used throughout the research

Industry research: By conducting interviews with relevant companies, consumers, and industry experts, we aim to understand the demand, trends, and scale of the market.

 Data analysis: By collecting, organizing, and analyzing market data, including market size, growth rate, pricing trends, consumer preferences, and more, we aim to understand the current status and development trends of the market.

 Competitive analysis: By analyzing information such as competitor's products, prices, and market share, we aim to understand the competitive landscape in the market and our own strengths and weaknesses.

 Technical analysis: By evaluating the technical requirements and development trends of the market, including the advantages and disadvantages of single photon detector technology characteristics, we aim to gain insights into the market's direction.

 Regional analysis: By understanding factors such as local consumer demands and policy environments, we aim to identify regional differences in markets and potential for development.

Single photon detector is a highly sensitive photodetector that can detect individual photons. It can count single photons, achieve detection of extremely weak target signals, and has wide applications in fields such as optical quantum information technology, eye-safe laser radar, and characterization of photon sources.

 There is not only one classification method for SPD. According to the time of product technology appearance, it can be divided into traditional SPD and new SPD. For example, photomultiplier tube and avalanche detector are traditional SPDs, while Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector is a new type of SPD with significant breakthroughs in photon detection efficiency, dark count rate and other aspects. According to different working principles/materials, it can be divided into semiconductor SPD and superconducting SPD. For instance, PMT is a semiconductor-based SPD while SNSPD is a superconducting-based one.

According to the different detector materials, SPD can be divided into semiconductor single-photon detectors and superconducting single-photon detectors. According to the different detection principles of devices, semiconductor single-photon detectors can be further divided into photomultiplier tubes (PMT), single-photon avalanche photodiodes (SPAD), frequency up-conversion single photon detectors (UCSPD), etc.; while superconducting single-photon detectors can be further divided into superconducting tunnel junction detectors (STJ), transition edge sensors (TES), superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPD) and so on.

Single-photon detection is essential for Quantum information Science and Technology. The paramount goal is to approach 100% detection efficiency. Other performance characteristics of detectors, such as latency, timing jitter, maximum count rate, and the presence of after pulsing may be just as important for practical quantum networks, but may be application-specific. In some cases, the ability to resolve the number of photons in a pulse may be crucial.

Different single photon detectors have different advantages and disadvantages. The table lists the typical parameters of currently used SPDs, with some data from reference literature and other data from various company websites. From the table, it can be seen that semiconductor-based single photon detectors mostly operate in the visible light range, with lower detection efficiency in the infrared range and higher dark count compared to superconducting single photon detectors.

Superconducting single photon detectors have high detection efficiency, low dark count rate, small timing jitter and other characteristics that make them closer to ideal single photon detectors in terms of performance parameters. However, superconducting single photon detectors generally operate at low temperatures, which greatly increases system complexity and application costs due to their cryogenic cooling systems. 

Semiconductor-type single-photon detectors have advantages such as high operating temperature, fast response speed and low dark counts. However, their quantum efficiency and time resolution are limited by factors such as material intrinsic bandgap and carrier recombination.

 Superconductor-type single-photon detectors have advantages such as high quantum efficiency, excellent time resolution and extremely low dark counts. Howeverdue to their extremely low operating temperature of approximately 4K, these systems necessitate complex cryogenic cooling.

 In particular, the main difference between single photon detectors in the near-infrared band and superconducting nanowire single photon detectors lies in their working principles and performance characteristics. Near-infrared single photon detectors are typically based on semiconductor devices, while superconducting nanowire single photon detectors use the properties of superconductive materials to achieve high resolution, count rate, and low dark count rates. However, they can only detect photons between visible light and near-infrared wavelengths.

The market of SPD will worth $986 million in 2023, it was estimated to grow to $1269 million in 2026, resulting at a 6-year CAGR of 9.43%.

 The market size of SPD in 2023 mainly comes from SNSPD, PMT and SPAD, with market shares of 44.6%, 18.1% and 16.8% respectively.

North America is an important market for single photon detectors, mainly driven by quantum information technology and laser radar technology. There are some leading manufacturers of single photon detectors in North America, such Thorlabs, as well as research institutions and government departments such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and NASA. It is expected that the market share of single photon detectors in North America will reach 42.3% by 2023.

Asia is a rapidly growing market for single photon detectors, mainly driven by investment and innovation in quantum information technology, laser radar technology, and biomedical fields by countries such as China, Japan, South Korea etc. It is expected that the market share of single photon detectors in Asia will reach 19.8% by 2023.

The market of SPD in China was worth $67 million in 2022, it was estimated to grow to $155 million in 2026, resulting at a 6-year CAGR of 18.15%.

The North America market was the Top largest segment, it was worth $368 million in 2022 and is estimated to increase to $556 million in 2026, with a 6-year CAGR of 9.53%.

SNSPD technology advancements include improving the quality and uniformity of nanowire manufacturing, increasing quantity and arrangement, optimizing geometric shape and size, improving readout circuits and signal processing to improve detection efficiency, speed, bandwidth, sensitivity and other performance indicators.

QD-SPD technology advancements include improving the quality and uniformity of quantum dots, increasing their quantity and density, optimizing material structure, improving excitation and readout methods to improve detection efficiency, stability reliability and other performance indicators. These technological advancements have enabled QD-SPDs to effectively detect low-intensity signals from biological samples or other sources in medical imaging.

TES technology advancements mainly involve improving the quality and uniformity of superconducting films; increasing their area and thickness; optimizing material composition and structure; enhancing cooling systems for improved detection efficiency noise resolution among other performance indicators. These technological advancements have enabled TES-SPDs to effectively detect distant or dark field signals in astronomical observations.

Quantum information and communication: Quantum information and communication is an emerging field that utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics for information processing and transmission, with advantages such as ultra-high speed, ultra-high security, and ultra-high capacity. Single photon detectors are one of the core components of quantum information and communication, which can achieve precise reading and operation of quantum bits (qubits), thereby realizing functions such as quantum computing, quantum key distribution, and quantum networks. With the development of quantum information and communication technology, the market demand for single photon detectors will also increase.

Medical imaging and biological detection: Medical imaging and biological detection refer to the use of optical methods to image or analyze human or biological samples, with advantages such as non-invasiveness, high resolution, high sensitivity etc. Single photon detectors can be used to effectively detect low-intensity signals or dark-field signals in order to improve the quality and efficiency of medical imaging and biological detection. With advances in medical imaging and biological detection technology, there will also be an increasing market demand for single photon detectors.


