
Showing posts from January, 2023

Automotive LiDAR Market Research Report for 2022 H1

This report aims to evaluate the market of Automotive LiDAR, the scope of study covers the passenger vehicles’ LiDAR only. Based on different functionalities and geography, ICV segmented the automotive LiDAR market, then counted the market size for the first half of 2022 and forecasted for next five years. Additionally, ICV also performed the study about core technologies of automotive LiDAR and the market analysis. Original report: Automotive LiDAR Market Research Report for 2022 H1

Automotive MMW Radar Market Research Report for 2022 H1

  This report aims to evaluate the market of Automotive Millimeter-wave Radar (MMW radar), the scope of study covers the passenger vehicles’ MMW radars only, which means the MMW radars that were installed in commercial vehicles were not accounted. ICV segmented the Automotive MMW Radar market by type and geography, then conducted research and analysis for each of segment market, to offer their current market size and market size forecasts. Besides, in this report, ICV also offers the study about components of MMW radar and the market analysis for two core components. This report aims to evaluate the market of Automotive Millimeter-wave Radar (MMW radar), the scope of study covers the passenger vehicles’ MMW radars only, which means the MMW radars that were installed in commercial vehicles were not accounted. ICV segmented the Automotive MMW Radar market by type and geography, then conducted research and analysis for each of segment market, to offer their current market size and mar...

Automotive Ultrasonic Radar Market Research Report for 2022 H1

  This report aims to evaluate the market of Automotive Ultrasonic Radar, the scope of study covers the passenger vehicles’ ultrasonic radars only, which means the ultrasonic radar that were installed in commercial vehicles were not accounted. ICV segmented the Automotive Ultrasonic Radar market by type, automation level of passenger vehicle, and geography, then conducted research and analysis for each of segment market, to offer their current market size and future market size forecasts.   Original report: Automotive Ultrasonic Radar Market Research Report for 2022 H1  

Passenger Vehicle Market Research Report for 2022 H1

This report aims to evaluate the global market of Passenger Vehicle, the whole market will be segmented by geography and level of automation driving. ICV offers the current market size and forecasts of Passenger Vehicle in this report. Original report: Passenger Vehicle Market Research Report for 2022 H1
The aim of this report is to evaluate the Automotive Camera market. The scope of the study covers only the passenger vehicles’ on-board camera. In this report, the Automotive Camera market is segmented by type, passenger vehicle’s automation level, and geography. ICV performed the analysis of Automotive Camera market, to offer the market size for above segments. Original report: Automotive Camera Market Research Report for 2022 H1

Quantum Gravity Measurement Instrument Market Research Report

The main content of this report is to analyze the quantum gravity measurement instruments market, including theoretical scientific research, major enterprises, key applications, industry status (research needs, military needs), future trends and other content for analysis and forecasting.   The principle of quantum gravity sensors is to use laser and magnetic fields to capture and control the quantum state of cold rubidium atoms in a vacuum environment, and to measure the gravitational field and gravitational gradient field by measuring the atomic ratio of different energy levels.   Quantum Gravity Instruments mainly divided into two types of precision measuring instruments: Quantum Gravimeter (QG) and Quantum Gravity Gradiometer (QGG). Quantum Gravimeter (QG) refers to Atom Gravimeter, Quantum Gravity Gradiometers (QGG) refers to the Atom Gravity Gradiometer. At present, the technical advantages of quantum gravimeters have been demonstrated, and the gradual maturity of commer...